

Timberlands Pacific maintains a comprehensive list of identified stakeholders that include a very broad range of organisations, groups and individuals that have an interest in the Timberlands Pacific business. Only stakeholders that agreed to participate are contacted. If you would like to be included as a stakeholder and receive information regarding our forest certification and business developments, please contact our Launceston office or email with your details.

Read our most recent Stakeholder Update here.

Timberlands Pacific takes our role as a neighbour seriously and to demonstrate our commitment to being a good neighbour, we have subscribed to the Good Neighbour Protocol in Tasmania and the Good Neighbour Charter in Mount Gambier.

Social Impact Assessment

Timberlands Pacific regularly assesses the range of impacts Taswood Estate and Penola Plantations may have on communities located in Northern Tasmania and the Green Triangle. This is known as a Social Impact Assessment. A copy is available here.


To ensure our client's interests are represented in the wider industry, Timberlands Pacific is involved in a number of industry groups and provides funding and in-kind contributions to projects within the industry.



  • Validating softwood stiffness predictions using IML-Resistograph and eCambium (FWPA)

  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the Tasmanian Forest Practices Code for biodiversity (FWPA)

  • eDNA detection for giant freshwater crayfish in waterways (FWPA and FPA)

  • Monitoring the effectiveness to Wedgetail Eagle disturbance (FWPA and FPA)

  • Integrated genetic selection (RPBC)

  • Advanced real-time measurements at harvest to increase value recovery (FWPA)

  • South Australian Wetlands project (SENRM)

    • Wetland surveys

    • Native vegetation management

    • Noxious weed control

    • Wetland surveys

    • Monitoring, maintenance and enhancement activities

  • Nesting boxes (RTBC)

  • Revegetation works (RTBC)

  • South West Biolinks Project (GHCMA)

    • Flora and fauna surveys

    • Monitoring, maintenance and enhancement activities

  • Linking plant genetics and chemistry to maximise tree production (UTAS)