Green Triangle

Forest Management Plan

Since the publication of the initial draft FMP, Timberlands Pacific has commenced management of the Penola Plantations, necessitating a further update. The new version of the Timberlands Pacific Forest Management Plan is now available here: Timberlands Pacific Forest Management Plan.

To view the Penola Plantations Monitoring Report, email your request to



Special Values Management Plan

A critical part of sound forest management is the identification and management of the 'special values' that occur within and surrounding the plantation. As each State jurisdiction has different legislative frameworks and requirements for managing biodiversity, cultural heritage, soil and water and other such values. See Penola Plantations Special Values Management Plan.

Cultural Heritage Management Plan

Timberlands Pacific recognises the importance of both Aboriginal and European culturally significant sites to the communities that surround our forests. We understand that these sites may contain artefacts or be places of spiritual or traditional value, and that their appropriate preservation and management is critical for present and future generations. See Penola Plantations Cultural Heritage Management Plan.

Penola Plantations Koala Management Plan

Timberlands Pacific manages natural values, including threatened fauna and flora, through its special values assessment process as outlined in Penola Plantations Special Values Management Plan (Penola Plantations SVMP). The special values assessment process comprehensively assess potential and known habitat for a range of species known to occur within and surrounding the Penola Plantations. The Penola Plantations SVMP also provides guidance for onsite management prescriptions which minimise the impact of forestry operations. 

While Timberlands Pacific’s existing processes capture a broad suite of values within the Penola Plantations, Timberlands Pacific recognises that there is considerable public concern regarding the management of a particular threatened species, the Koala. To address these concerns Timberlands Pacific has developed an internal Koala Management process which assesses the likelihood of Koala’s being found within the Penola Plantations and management guidelines applicable for both operational and non operational encounters.

The Green Triangle Regional Plantation Committee Inc. (GTRPC) is the coordinating body for the major industry and stakeholder groups in the district. GTRPC has produced Koala Management Guidelines for Plantation Harvesting, with input from a range of stakeholders. 

If you have seen Koala's in the Penola Plantations please contact the Mount Gambier office or the below email address. If you have any questions or comments regarding our forest management, please contact either our Launceston or Mount Gambier office or email